This is the Truttmann Girls! Cute as can be in their Hot Pink & Zebra Sets. They are now Six Months Old rolling everywhere. When you leave the room Brenlie tries to find you, so she rolls all through the house looking for us! Brianna is so content just laying around, but she can roll when she wants to, she has started rolling alot more and can push herself up in crawling position, so we think she will be crawling soon. Brenlie has to be held alot and Brianna is more content just laying around so Grandma feels quilty that I have to hold Brenlie more than Brianna, so I started doing this little gig with my head to talk to her when I am holding Brenlie. Brianna has now started doing a body gig when we look at her like Grandma taught her! Grandma thinks it is adorable, but Mommy and Daddy doesn't think it is so cute when they are trying to change a dirty diaper and she is gigging all around with her behind! OH WELL!