Is everybody here already so we can party? Let me count & see!
Aunt Kay, Misti, Trey & Kaylin, Gloria & Cammie, Brandi & Connor,
Roy & Melinda, Uncle Mike, Aunt Mona & Michelyn, Grandma Mona
& Aunt Linda, Aunt Sis, Aunt Della, Tia & Tony, Nana "B" & Papa Mike
Mommy & Daddy. Guess we are ready for the party now?

Brenlie's pretty cake!

Brianna's pretty cake!

Brianna & Mommy getting ready to dig into cake

Brenlie & Mommy getting ready to dig into cake!

Brianna starting to eat her cake!
Brenlie starting to eat her pretty cake!

Brianna after her cake! She is a little bit neater

Brenlie after the cake!

The girls showing off their Fairy Rider from Gloria & Sue
The girls showing off their Nap Mats
Mommy got the girls Nap mats for their 1st Birthday
Brianna with Birthday Presents

Daddy got the girls Dora Chairs for !st Birthday