Jason and Michelle trying for a baby of their own for over 5 years and Michelle just
didn't get pregnant, but it was ALL Grandma's fault! I had prayed for along time
when I was out in California to get to be around one of my grandchildren from birth up after having to miss the other three Stillwater grandkids younger years. Well after we moved back to Oklahoma from California it wasn't very long until Michelle got pregnant and when she started showing so fast I told her I thought it was twins. Well we went to the first ultrasound at 10 weeks and there was just one baby. Michelle said see Mom I told you I am only having one and I told her NO I think God is Blessing you with two girls since you had to wait so long to get your own baby. Next ultrasound at 20 weeks, I was standing over the girls shoulder that was doing the ultrasound and I said Oh! there is two babies. Michelle said no there isn't and the girl said "Honey you are having twins" This was only three months after Taira found out she was having twin girls. Then she told us ours was two girls also!
God has truly Blessed Us with these two angels and Michelle wanted her Uncle Bill to do the dedication of her two little miracles to make it extra special, so she could give them back to God becasue HE was so good to send us these two precious little girls.
This day ended up being even more Special as Jason and Carrie (Bill and Rhonda's son and daughter-in-law) had Kenyon dedicated at the same time and he is a miracle child for them, so we had a very special Sunday Service as a family giving back to God what HE so graciously had given to all of us! We are a very Blessed Family for sure and GOD has been so good to our whole family! We all have had healthy children , grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren and we Praise GOD for all of them.
I couldn't keep from crying reading your blog -- It really was a "special" day and we are soooo very blessed!! The girls looked so precious in their frilly white dresses! They are so sweet and we thank you so much for letting us be a part of their dedication!! We loved getting to be with you!!
It definitely was a great day! We had so much fun while you all were here! It was great to get to see you and finally put our hands on those adorable babies!
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